Peepal Tree Salon at Waterstones Piccadilly

desiree reynolds, yvonne weekes, maya chowdhry copy
15 June 2016, 7pm Free but please book!

Waterstones Piccadilly will be hosting an evening of memoir, poetry and fiction from Peepal Tree Press with authors Yvonne Weekes, Desiree Reynolds, and Maya Chowdhry. All published by the celebrated Leeds-based Caribbean and Black British publishers, these three talented women writers will read and discuss their work with Peepal Tree’s Managing Editor and Henry Swanzy award-winner Jeremy Poynting.

Yvonne Weekes was born in London and grew up in Montserrat a multi-talented writer, director, actor, educator and facilitator. She won the Frank Collymore Literary Arts Endowment for her memoir Volcano, which documents the aftermath of the eruption of the Soufriere volcano. On 18th June Yvonne is teaching an Inscribe masterclass in Manchester, exploring the art of life-writing. Book tickets on Eventbrite.

Maya Chowdhry is a poet, transmedia writer and activist, who is currently working on a poetry chapbook with Peepal Tree Press’ Inscribe project entitled Fossil, where she explores the ‘being’ of plants and animals.

Desiree Reynolds started writing as a journalist for the Jamaica Gleaner and the Village Voice. She has been described as “a supremely talented portraitist” for her first novel, Seduce. Her short story ‘Works’ is published in the Closureanthology, and is she now working on a collection of short stories.

This event is free but please reserve your place in store, by telephone 020 7851 2400 or by