This interactive sound experience seeks to uncover the existence of a shared language between human and fungi; giving a voice and making visible the mycelium network from which it fruits. By utilising interactive biodata sonification, which requires this inter-being collaboration, the piece hopes to connect human to more-than-human.
CCTV of human touching fungi Analogue and digital screens Fungi specimens in the spotlight Pink oyster mushroom driving the visualisation Analogue TV on mushroom log
The research aims to contribute to the area of Eco Sound Design; to produce an exhibit that aims to connect humans to nature in order to engender care for the earth in these times of planetary crisis. I was drawn to biodata sonification as it directly implicates the organism that is featured, and, by sonifying aspects of their biology, gives them a voice in relation to their own ecosystem, and potentially in relationship to the human.
I collaborated with artist Shaheda Choudhury using the generative soundscape produced by the mushroom interaction with the human. The idea was to produce a speculative video based on the installation, but from the point of view of the oyster mushrooms.